I have theri performance, and the sound qualitys excellent (except i wish the keyboards were louder on "hardest part of the night". I have a qustion. Theres lots of parts wehre JONS VOICE DOESNT MATCH?

? I know that the concert was filmed (performed) at that venue in 3 days in a row. Maybe they combined all the footage from the 3 days and picked one days of audio huh. Like the most obvious part i rememver is at the end of runaway where jon screams RUN A WAAAAAAAYHHHEEEEEYYYY and he turns around. THe mics off his mouth and his voice is still ON!!! i dont ike it when it looks like they lipsing because they dont. THere a realy rocknroll band, (althouhg on livin on a prayer they sometiemsa use backup tracks during thre chorus (sometiems) What do u guyz think?