Ok baby. If you can read the russian section on this forum maybe you found an interesting message at this topic: К нашему глубокому сожалению, гости не могут просматривать ссылки.
Зарегистрируйтесь или
ВойдитеSince june 1st the minimum is 150 posts for access. As you see there & on that page: К нашему глубокому сожалению, гости не могут просматривать ссылки.
Зарегистрируйтесь или
ВойдитеClosed part of forum with links was created for russian users only.
I don't know where you find info about 25 posts. :study:
You're now a member of FILE SHARE group & you can try to download the stuff. But if you get page "stopzarub" it means that foreign traffic is bigger than russian & you should try to download tomorrow or few days later. :guitar: