Автор Тема: JBJ - Q&A  (Прочитано 10568 раз)

Оффлайн tatacrush

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« : Июнь 15, 2005, 01:33:48 pm »
только что нашла в инете :alien:

1.        Tour will start November 1st with 75 shows. No Australia stops on the tour, he only said 13 stops in Europe this time and 55 in the US and Japan.  It will be the shortest tour ever, starting November 1st. They are also doing a special event for the New England Patriots in Foxboro on September 4, 2005 - Labor Day weekend.  He wasn’t sure how to get tickets.

2.       Live 8 Concert, Philly 20 Minute set with 4 songs and Have Nice Day will be played. They are a headliner but playing at the beginning will be on TV.

3.       Sept 4th, Gillette Stadium Patriots Pep Rally

4.       Giants will be Summer of 06

5.       Jon mentioned frequently that he was very serious about people recording the new songs from the event.  He said, ‘I know someone is recording this, don’t let me catch you because you will be prosecuted.  I just know it will be on the net.  Everyone yelled, (then one person said  - Jon we wouldn’t do that to you… and then he kind of said.. Ya Right.. not joking either.) No sir…. And he said Ya, Right!  Don’t wreck this, because we are planning on doing 2 more of these types of events.  If you see anyone recording this, please report them. (Actually I think Matt said this before they played the songs.. he said if you see anyone recording.. there will be a great prize if you report it to them… and he said this is coming from Jon and he will make sure it’s a really good prize.)

6.       Q: What did you think about playing at the SAP concert in Boston when you were playing for a convention and not a lot of fans?  

A: I enjoyed having to work to get the crowd into it.  I know I can play anything for you guys and you will love it but there I had to work at it.

7.       Q: Who would you like to do a duet with?

A: Lucinda Williams and/or Pink

8.       Q:  Who do you like for bands now?

A:  Jet, The Killers, likes listening to Dave Mathews but hates them Live.  Hates 3 Doors Down, thinks they suck. They will definitely not be their opening act!

9.       Q: With the changes in the music industry over the past 20 years, what artists are out there now that he admires and feels stand a chance of surviving?

A:  This may be with #7 & 9

10.     Q:  What’s the deal with no Instant Replay during AFL Games?

A:  I think it will happen…

11.      Q:  What ever happened with the songs that you wrote with Johnny Reznick during the last tour?

A:  We never finished them

12.     Q:  Will the Keith Urban duet be on the new CD?

A:  Jon said that the Keith Urban thing was just something they got together to do.  Keith has his copy and Jon has his, that's it, no plans to do anything with it. Keith was a good performer just a bit more country than myself.

13.     Q:  Boxer or Briefs?

A:  I have a thong on today!

14.     Q:  This is the Guys version of Boxers or Briefs, Rolling Stones or Beatles?

A:  Stones they are the best Rock n Roll band

15.     Q:  I was with one of the musicians (?) that worked on the Blaze of Glory with you, without him knowing I was a BJ fan, he mentioned that you were one of the best people he has ever worked with.

A:  That was during the period I call my ‘grey’ period and thanks …..  can’t remember (?)

16.     Q:  When are you going to make Hugh McDonald an official member?

A:  Who are you, Mrs McDonald!  Hugh is a member of the band and better bassist than Alex ever was.  However, it will be Alex that we take to the Hall of Fame with us.  Alex was there before the band even had a label and he was on the original recording of Runaway.  He stuck by us and was faithful to the band during hard times when we started out.  Never aired our dirty laundry or wrote books about us… this in red is just our take on what he said…  Alex was there before the band even had a label and he was on the original recording of Runaway.  He stuck by us and was faithful to the band during hard times when we started out.  Never aired our dirty laundry or wrote books about us…(He said that way back it was those 3 guys who always stood by him and nobody will ever take their places)

17.     Q:  Where is your favorite place to play?

A:  I would say Dublin, Ireland, Boston, Toronto Canada…  Dublin is my favorite.

18.     Q:  Will you be touring in Australia?

A:  No, I love Australia, but they don’t love me!

19.     Q:  Jon, this is a crazy question, I even feel a bit embarrassed to ask you, but I’m sick of reading it on the message boards and hearing the girls that actually meet you say how good you smell, so will you tell us once and for all what you where for cologne!  (my Question!)

A:  Crowd laughed and yelled!  He got a little embarrassed and said Well, this morning I don’t think my son would agree with you… I went for a jog and when I came back and was running up the stairs, Jesse, my son said ‘Dad you stink’! He kept calling me stinky… Everyone kept yelling ‘ Well, tell us!’  He laughed, smelled his self… I don’t have anything on today, I really don’t know what I wear… I guess, I bit of Coors Light behind the ears…

20.    Q:  Do you have any regrets professionally?

A:  No regrets

21.     Q:  What happened to your movies that you filmed?

A:  The hockey one doesn’t look like you will ever see it.

22.    Q:  Have you written anymore screen plays?

A:  No, and the ones that I wrote got re-written so many times that they aren’t even the same anymore.  They never went anywhere.  

23.    Q:  Will you be doing anymore acting?

A;  Not right now, you sort of have to live in Hollywood to get into it.  Its all about football now…

24.    Q:  Who do you want to win the Arena Bowl?

A:  Elway

25.    Q:  How do you spend your free time?

A:  With my family… the last 3 days I was in Vegas, the day before that Miami…  Not a lot of free time

26.    Q:  Me and my husband opened a Deli shop, we would like to name a sandwich after you.  If you could be a sandwich which one would you be?  My husband thinks you would be a breakfast sandwich and I think you are more of a ?  

A:  Laughs…  I could be a Big Ham, hmmm…  an Italian Sausage??  Everyone is laughing..  

27.    Q:  Are you recognized everywhere you go?

A:  Yes, everyday.  People really don’t bother me here, they are like, ‘whatever’ they don’t care. But like in Vegas, at the Hard Rock, that is my job to be noticed there.  I can usually sit in the corner over there and no one cares that I’m even here!

28.    Q:  Industry question?

A:  I was disappointed in the box set sales, I hope this new CD is promoted better, but I know you guys will help with that..

29.    Q:  Jon, my friend is getting married next weekend, will you and Mrs Bon Jovi attend?

A:  Laughed and said sorry, I won’t be able to make it.  (Later, when she got her picture taken with him, she had an invitation filled out to Mr & Mrs BJ and he filled out the response card sorry, Mr & Mrs Bon Jovi cannot attend for her)

30.    Jons says:  On the wedding note, Guys girls are so much worse at Bachelorette parties!  I saw one down at the Hard Rock and these girls were insane!  Guys go to one and all they do is sit around and drink beer and say ‘Duh…’  

Someone yelled out… hey, can you come to my bachelorette party?  He said Oh sure, you guys will strip me naked and have me dancing on the pole!  Everyone was laughing…

31.     Q:  A guy asks, Are you going to take your shirt off again in BOSTON?

A:  I think Jon just laughed

32.    Q:  A guy asked him he could buy him a beer, A Coors light right?

A:  No, I think I will have a Margarita on the rocks.  The drink came, it was Red.. he yells to the bartender… do you think you can try this again..  and then no drink ever came!  He yelled a couple times… Can’t I get a drink in this place!

33.    Q:  What inspired you to do this new CD?

A:  The election.  You know, people look to Bono spiritually and politically… people look to me to have fun…  (there was more, don’t remember)

34.    Q:  What does the new song Novocain mean?  Were you at the dentist?

A:  Who do you write for? What publicist? Did you hear the song yet?

She said, No I haven’t heard it yet… just heard this title was on the CD.  I don’t write for a magazine, I have a fanclub Asian site called Crush

Well, it’s about a hard time a band member is going through.. a divorce.  Everyone, gasped and sighed…  No, No, its not me…  (no one found out who)

35.    Q:  How have kids changed your life? Someone else yelled -  I have 8 kids!

A:  That is crazy! I have nannies; I have nannies for my nannies and even one for me!

36.    Q:  Do  your recognize faces, fans at concerts?

A:  Yes, I do, some

37.    Q:  What is the name of the new CD?

A:  People were yelling out ‘Have a Nice Day’, he said ‘Nah, I really don’t like that’.  We aren’t sure what to name it yet.

38.    Q:  Asked about the LA Reid article about why he went back to the studio

A:  I wasn’t happy with all the songs, I redid 4 songs.  I’m happy with it now and I have signed off on it.

39.    Q:  When are you going to mix up the set list at concerts and play some new songs?  Sick of the old songs?

A:  Everyone booed her… Jon was a little surprised at the question.  I would like to do new songs, but people come to see the band do their hits. I have to play what I like too.

40.    Q:  What is your favorite song to perform live?

A:  Wanted

41.     Q:  I danced with you in Tampa, I was wearing a cowboy hat,  

A:  Shhhh, don’t tell everyone that!

My mother was sick and couldn’t go to the concert with me, she was suppose too and she told me just to go that it would be good night for me… it was, I got to dance with you and then shortly after my mother passed away.  Just wanted to say Thank you…

A:  I’m so sorry… (?)

42.    Q:  A guy said something that his mother passed away and at the funeral the only thing that got him through it was having Living on a Prayer and Angel Eyes (?) played.

A:  I’m sorry, thanks man.

43.    Q:  Is there anyone you would like to have dinner with past or present?

A:  Everyone yelled out Elvis, Frank!  He said, No, not Elvis.  I think it would be Frank Sinatra.  He asked if anyone caught Dateline last week.  There was a women (?) who wrote a book about all the people she slept with.  Paul McCartney being one of them.  He said, even after hearing those stories that he still thinks Frank would have more stories to tell.

44.    Q:  What do you think of the new generation of fans?

A:  Ha, I will be playing Its My Life for the rest of my life!  In the part that says ‘Like Frankie says, I did it my way’, Richie said ‘Over my dead body!’….  (Jon was always referred to as Frank and Richie was Dean)  The younger generation always asks who Frank is!

45.    Q:  With the decrease in album sales and the increase in downloading how do you feel the new dual disc concept will pan out!

A:  Nowadays you have to work to provide a consumer with more of a product or they will just download a song for $.99.  No kids buy a complete CD anymore…

46.    Q:  Someone asked about a certain song (? Cant remember)

A:  He was trying to sing it, kept mumbling it… then the girl shouted out some words but he said he couldn’t remember it.

47.    Q:  Someone asked about Destination Anywhere ?

A:  I would never do that again, no one bought it!

48.    Q:  Whats up with these get in the right lane to take a left turn?

A:  He laughed, cant remember what he said (?)

49.    Q:  I’m getting paid $150 to ask this question, Rumor has it, ‘All I want to do is you’ is dedicated to the fans!  

A:  He laughed..

50.    'Q: You were the last band to play at Wembley before it was torn down, will you be the first to re-open it?'  

A:   I believe his answer was no and then went on to say something else about playing in England.

51.     Q:  What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

A:  He laughed and moved on

52.    Q:  When will Have A Nice Day video be shot?

A:  Very soon.  Release date for the song is July 18th

53.    Q: Bon Jovi has contributed so much professionally to the music industry, what would you most like them to be remembered by?"

A:  It is what it is.  He said when it was the big thing to do by hiring a rapper to be in a band- they didn't and that basically they've never compromised themselves and "been true" to themselves and for us as fans and the public to keep doing what we're doing by buying the music and going to the concerts and for the band to keep doing what their doing by making the music and that, in it's own way, was their legacy.   When he said that he'd keep "doing what he's doing" she said "you're really good at it!"  

54.    Q: Why doesn't the band ever play "On The Edge Of A Broken Heart?"

A:  I never liked that song

55.    Q:  Do you still have a piece of the Berlin Wall?

A:  Yes, it is in a Plexiglas thing to protect it and highlight it

56.    Q:  Something about Tom Cruise came up (?)

A:  He was jumping all over Katie’s couch…looked ridiculous..  Thought he was a better actor than that.  If I wanted to be on the cover of US magazine, I could do something crazy too..

57.    Q:  What is your favorite song on the CD?

A:  I don’t know, But I like doing Bells of Freedom

58.    Q:  What’s it like hearing your songs in a club when the DJ plays them when you are there?

A:  I was standing on a balcony looking down at all the people singing Living on a Prayer, it was cool.

59.    Q:  There is a group of us girls that have a website and go to all the Soul games ‘Philly Soulsisters’, we were wondering if you could take a picture with us for the website?

A:  Well, I think it is about that time to take 300 pictures with everyone…  Everyone thanks…

Оффлайн Wendy

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« Ответ #1 : Июнь 15, 2005, 07:10:02 pm »
8. Q: Who do you like for bands now?

A: Jet, The Killers, likes listening to Dave Mathews but hates them Live. Hates 3 Doors Down, thinks they suck. They will definitely not be their opening act!


Оффлайн Ex admin

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« Ответ #2 : Июнь 15, 2005, 07:37:26 pm »
Цитата: "tatacrush"
Hates 3 Doors Down, thinks they suck. They will definitely not be their opening act!

МОЛОДЕЦ, ДЖОННИ!!!!  Отличный вкус... А 3 снесенные дверцы реально сосут  :razz:
Цитата: "tatacrush"
I was disappointed in the box set sales

Ибо есть 11-я заповедь "Не продай ближнему своему старья, которое ты сам когда-то посчитал за хлам"  :cry:

Оффлайн Dorothea

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« Ответ #3 : Июнь 15, 2005, 11:08:48 pm »
кстати The Killers ваши тоже из Island records как и джовики! может поэтому Джонни их так любит... :lol:

К нашему глубокому сожалению, гости не могут просматривать ссылки. Зарегистрируйтесь или Войдите

Оффлайн Ex admin

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« Ответ #4 : Июнь 15, 2005, 11:36:20 pm »
Цитата: "Poomba_Maniac"
И то, что они нравятся г-же Соловьёвой, ни о чём не говорит.

Г.... Соловьевой, слушает и БЖ, от этого БЖ полным г... не становятся...  :mrgreen:

Оффлайн Ex admin

  • Начальник этого монастыря
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  • Сообщений: 4790
  • Пол: Мужской
    • http://bonjovi-live.ru
  • Слушаю с: 2000
  • Альбом: These Days
  • Песня: DC, TD, STBI,
« Ответ #5 : Июнь 16, 2005, 01:54:52 am »
Poomba_Maniac, кстати, я теперь благодаря гнусмасу TD каждый день раза по два слушаю  :punk:  Клевый альбомчик! И я его местами хвалил в своих записках.
Кому они не нравятся - тот их волен не читать. О моих взглядах публике известно, в принципе материал был подписан моим именем, так что кликая ссылку, все знали, на что идут  :razz:


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