Автор Тема: Anyone here in the USA or even under 21 lol?  (Прочитано 11240 раз)

Оффлайн badmedicine251

  • Сообщений: 32
Yep, just wondering again if anyone here is from
the USA and is under 21 or somethin. I feel like them like the
only 16 year old kid (turnin 17 soon) that listens ot bonjovi, and i
mean really listens and apreciates them, not just OOOO SHOT THROUGH
THE HEART OR ITS MY LIFE kinda fan. It also sucks everytime
your with other kids you age and people think your weird cuz u dont
like rap or somethina and prefer rock n roll/heavy metal.
Anything to say about this u guys?



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Re: Anyone here in the USA or even under 21 lol?
« Ответ #1 : Декабрь 08, 2010, 01:36:18 am »
When I was in Boston during LH Tour I met a lot (I mean A LOT) of teenagers at the concert. I asked them "what the hell?? How come it's possible that people of your age are not just aware of this band, they are attending the concert???". One of the kid told me that it all started with "Bad Medicine" playing on the radio from his fathers car. He asked his father "who is this"? - "It's Bon Jovi, son. But you're too young to know it". It was really great to watch these young people singing along oldies like "LOAP" or "Runaway".

Оффлайн Starhata

  • Сообщений: 2
Re: Anyone here in the USA or even under 21 lol?
« Ответ #2 : Март 18, 2019, 06:50:29 am »
Like this website that has all the information and knowledge for everyone who comes to find information.


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