Автор Тема: PLEASE READ THIS ADMINS/MODERATORS  (Прочитано 14753 раз)

Оффлайн badmedicine251

  • Сообщений: 32
« : Июль 01, 2005, 03:11:39 am »
I am really thankful i found this site with
AMAZING Multimedia that hardcore Bon Jovi fans (such as myself
apreciate). I really would like to download the 2 slippery when
wet live bootleg videos and the one Jersey Syndicate bootleg as well.
Now look u guys, i finally got over 25 posts. I didnt
Post 25 stupid pointless posts saying Hi Heloo. I didnt
multipost. I posted 25 cool, interesting long posts.
It'... with not my fault everyones busy to reply to
them. Now i would like to have permission to download the vids
and promise NOT to send out the links. Now please dont say u
have to Post 1 million more posts or you posted 25 posts in 2 days.
Thats not fair u guys. I dont want to waste my time
posting 1 million posts where theres only like 5 non english speakers
and 80 more russian speakers in the russian sections where i cant Post
because i cant read/write russian. I'..m not a mean rude
person and i really appreciate this russian website with AWSOME bon
jovi materials. These vids will make Me become a much closer,
better fan and its just soooc cool to watch a live vid performance
from the slippery when wet tour and even that one show from the jersey
tour. Again i did my fair share and posted 25 cool posts.
Now i ask permission to be able to download some of the vids.
Thank you for your time u guyz Please reply as soon as
possible, i cant WAIT to have a chance to watch some of the
vids:.eyek: Bon Jovi Rocks!!!!!!!!! Bon Jovi Live.RU

Оффлайн Ex admin

  • Начальник этого монастыря
  • *******
  • Сообщений: 4790
  • Пол: Мужской
    • http://bonjovi-live.ru
  • Слушаю с: 2000
  • Альбом: These Days
  • Песня: DC, TD, STBI,
« Ответ #1 : Июль 01, 2005, 07:54:40 am »
Ok baby. If you can read the russian section on this forum maybe you found an interesting message at this topic: К нашему глубокому сожалению, гости не могут просматривать ссылки. Зарегистрируйтесь или Войдите
Since june 1st the minimum is 150 posts for access. As you see there & on that page: К нашему глубокому сожалению, гости не могут просматривать ссылки. Зарегистрируйтесь или Войдите
Closed part of forum with links was created for russian users only.

I don't know where you find info about 25 posts.  :study:

You're now a member of FILE SHARE group & you can try to download the stuff. But if you get page "stopzarub" it means that foreign traffic is bigger than russian & you should try to download tomorrow or few days later.  :guitar:

Оффлайн Ex admin

  • Начальник этого монастыря
  • *******
  • Сообщений: 4790
  • Пол: Мужской
    • http://bonjovi-live.ru
  • Слушаю с: 2000
  • Альбом: These Days
  • Песня: DC, TD, STBI,
« Ответ #2 : Июль 01, 2005, 08:02:31 am »
Цитата: "badmedicine251"
or you posted 25 posts in 2 days.

By the way if you'll stop  posting here this would mean that all your posts were a fiction. I'll be angry & you'be kicked from FS group  :safe:

Оффлайн badmedicine251

  • Сообщений: 32
« Ответ #3 : Июль 01, 2005, 10:23:50 am »
thank you so much. I tried accessing the downloads, but none of them worked. I think cuz their down, i'll try again later.

I also had another question to ask. I noticed the vids that are on the site dont show up there. I really wanted to see the  1986/11/01 The Tube   1986/11/10 City Hall, Sheffield, UK  
1989/03/08 "The boys evening", Live in Philadelphia, Spectrum, Usa
God it be the cooooolest thing ever to get a chance to watch those performances. I really would like to try to get those first. Do you guys randomly put different performances in that page or am i doing somethin wrong and not accessing all of the content.

Thanks Again! :eek:

Оффлайн Ex admin

  • Начальник этого монастыря
  • *******
  • Сообщений: 4790
  • Пол: Мужской
    • http://bonjovi-live.ru
  • Слушаю с: 2000
  • Альбом: These Days
  • Песня: DC, TD, STBI,
« Ответ #4 : Июль 01, 2005, 12:21:17 pm »
Цитата: "badmedicine251"
I tried accessing the downloads, but none of them worked. I think cuz their down, i'll try again later.

If topic closed = files offline. Else you have problem with limited foreign traffic.
Цитата: "badmedicine251"
I noticed the vids that are on the site dont show up there. I really wanted to see the 1986/11/01 The Tube 1986/11/10 City Hall, Sheffield, UK
1989/03/08 "The boys evening", Live in Philadelphia, Spectrum, Usa

It's a complete list of all my bootlegs. This shows have very bad quality that why they would't be uploaded.  :cry:
Цитата: "badmedicine251"
Do you guys randomly put different performances in that page or am i doing somethin wrong and not accessing all of the content.

If few people want the same stuff it'll be online later.

Оффлайн badmedicine251

  • Сообщений: 32
« Ответ #5 : Июль 01, 2005, 06:39:17 pm »
oh ic. Am i allowed to start some sort of partition or something where we can see if a certain amount of people want to see those vids maybe theres a chance you can upload them? :eek:  And if yes, where should i post that topic, in this section?



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